Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Single Stick Drill

Begin with a simple figure 8 pattern using a slicing motion
  • small loop with a large loop
  • large loop with a small loop
  • horizontal, vertical and any other angle you can think of
  • forehand, backhand
  • same size loop
  • single hand and double handed


  • any angle you can make it work
  • feel what works and what does not
  • single hand and double hand


  • keep hand on stick do not twirl with fingers loose
  • small, medium and large circles
  • move the hub you are pivoting on different points along full length of stick
  • single and double handed


  • fan
  • strike is with flat of blade
  • single and double handed


  • coup de grace
  • could be a flow weapon such as a rope, length of chain etc.
  • experiment moving a redondo around your body
  • single and double handed


  • spearing
  • experiment with all angles you can strike from
  • single and double handed


  • heal or butt of the stick
  • experiment with all angles you can strike from
  • single and double handed

Blocking Motion

  • direct block, side step block
  • experiment with different angles you can either block or deflect from
  • single and double handed

Now add all above elements together trying not to repeat a motion until all have been done, shadow boxing in short. Do both left and right leads.

Now do that again but add a knife to the free hand. Be sure to switch stick and knife leads.

Now put down stick and do shadow boxing with just knife.

Put down knife and shadow box empty hand.

Do 100 jabs left and right.

Jab cross adding body movement ie feints, sidestep, attack, probe etc.

Jab cross and hook.

Finally add leg strikes to this drill. Knees, teeps, obleeks, scoops, etc.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

A Kicking Drill

  • A simple fuete toe kick to the inner thigh
  • Shin kick to inner thigh
  • Right fuete to inner thigh followed by left shin kick to outer thigh
  • Right shin kick to inner thigh followed by left fuete to outer thigh

The main difference by the two previous kicks is the spacial relationship.

Where you put your leg down after first kick measures range and will change lead of second leg from rear to lead.

  • Right shin kick to inside followed by left bong tek driving forward to thigh, top of hip or gut
  • Right bong tek followed by outside left shin kick
  • Right fuete followed by left bong tek
  • Right bong tek followed by left fuete

These drills will take you from kicking range (fuete) through boxing range (shin kick) to trapping range (bong tek)

Saturday, December 9, 2006

A Jab Cross Hook Drill

First Drill

  • Jab
  • Cross
  • Hook
  • Quarter step to right
  • Monitor head with right hand
  • Jab --- this jab is almost a negative as weight lilts onto rear leg to chamber hook
  • Hook
  • Jab

Second Drill

  • Front fuete kick
  • Eye jab
  • Straight blast
  • Cross forward elbow
  • Hook side elbow
  • Cross forward elbow

Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Arm Lock Flow in Side Body

  1. Begin with Hubud flowing to a clinch
  2. Cup elbow with free arm
  3. Throw to ground keeping cupped arm extended
  4. Kick arm
  5. Go down on knee closest to body, giving option to knee arm on way through to sidebody

Once in 'Sidebody'

  1. Straightarm underheel
  2. Straightarm pressed down with arm
  3. Straightarm painted
  4. Branch up roll and paint with leg moving torso
  5. Branch down that is wrapped around you cup elbow with hand roll towards yourself and sit up

If in the mess of things arm becomes free

  1. Get arm into bent position beside their head using leg as a guide if you have to
  2. Tuck your own head to avoid possible elbow strike and rotate their head to prevent being bitten
  3. Extend arm and compress wrist by
  • placing your fist underneath wrist as a base and press down
  • lift arm by wrist
  • rotate wrist out

Fingers are also availble

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Kali 24 Count

  1. Diagonal down forehand R-L slice
  2. Diagonal down backhand L-R slice
  3. Horizontal medium forehand R-L slice
  4. Horizontal medium backhand L-R slice
  5. Solar plexis thrust
  6. Backhand thrust to pectorals
  7. Inward thrust to pectorals
  8. Vetical abiniko to head
  9. Diagonal down to knee forehand R-L
  10. Diagonal down to knee backhand L-R
  11. Diagonal up forehand R-L
  12. Diagonal up backhand L-R
  13. Horizontal high forehand R-L
  14. Horizontal high backhand L-R
  15. Vertical redondo outside
  16. Diagonal redondo with obleek
  17. Uppercut thrust that chambers on opposite shoulder
  18. Vertical redondo backhand
  19. Diagonal redondo
  20. Backhand watik payong
  21. Forehand watik
  22. Abiniko watik right
  23. Abiniko watik left
  24. Two hand vertical down

Sunday, December 3, 2006

various ways to throw a jab-cross combination to get an outside reference
  • jab off center to draw hand away then step to outside and throw cross on outside reference
  • either pok or lop arm to clear path for shot
  • jab high then low insert bong and return for high shot
  • jab obleek then step in from obleek pok or lop for clear shot

Saturday, December 2, 2006

Bong Tek

feed a rear leg kick that misses
female triangle to avoid kick falling back in on feeders back as they pass center

throw a rear leg kick that misses but does not pass center holding leg at center in leg version of Bong Sao
feeder crashes onto 'bong tek'
let all of your weight rest on feeder
if necessary hop on supporting leg to maintain structure

throw same kick as previous
feeder crashes onto 'bong tek'
let all of your weight rest on feeder
bend supporting leg and go to the ground still holding 'bong tek' leg in structure
as feeder follows you to the ground guide them with 'bong tek' to your side and follow into mount position