Warm up - 2 minutes shadowboxing
Focus Pad Drills
Drill #1
Counters off the jab
Feeder feeds jabs and holds for Counter Combinations
1 - Parry & return jab
2 - Parry & return cross
3 - Parry & return jab/cross
4 - Parry & return low jab
5 - Parry & return low cross
6 - Parry & return jab/cross/hook/cross
7 - Parry & return jab/cross/low hook/cross
8 - Parry & return jab/cross/upper cut/cross
6-8 can also be done without the jab : cross/hook/cross, cross/low hook/cross, cross/uppercut/cross
Remember to keep hands up
Try to maintain a steady rhythm
Drill #2
Counters off jab/hook
1 - parry/cover Return hook, cross, lead fouette bas, rear fouette bas
2 - parry, bob weave - return cross, hook, cross, lead fouette bas, rear fouette bas
Boxing Glove Drills
Drill 1 - Avoid the Fouette Median
One partner feeds fouette median from the lead or rear leg, other partner attempts to zone to the left or right and ride the kick
- maintain your lead
- stay in range to respond (don't back away)
- look to the shoulders to read partner's intention
Drill 2 - Counters off the Fouette Median
One partner feeds the Fouette Median while 2nd partner zones and either parries or rides the kick and returns Fouette Bas/ cross/ hook/ cross/ fouette median
feeders objective is to "stab" opponent with shoe
Drill 3 - Savate Combination
Double jab (catch/slip)/ cross (slip)/ lead fouette bas/ rear fouette bas/ lead fouette high
try to stay light not on feet
Drill 4 - Counter off the Double Jab / Cross
Feed double jab/ cross - counter with double catch/ hard parry (shift lead leg out)/ rear fouette bas/ lead fouette bas/ long step out & back with lead leg/ chasse median (hop in)
Drill 5- Counter off jab/ cross
feed jab/ cross - counter with parry/ parry/ jab/ cross/ lead fouette bas/ rear fouette high
Drill 6 - Counter off jab/ cross
feed jab/ cross - counter with catch/ parry/ cross/ lead hook (step to the side) / rear fouette bas/ lead fouette high
Drill 7 - Fouette Bas
one for one fouette bas - back and forth
Drill 8- Avoid the Fouette Bas
As per drill 7 but receiver tries to avoid Fouette with
Erase the leg
Lift the leg
Switch stance and return
don't run away/ stay in range to return strike
Drill 9 - Double Lead Fouette
Throw combination of two lead Fouette kicks: low/ low, low/ median, low/ high, high/ high and the reverse coming down
- foot may touch the ground between kick going from low to high
- coming from high to low is faster without touching the ground
Drill 10 - Double lead Fouette/ Rear Free Kick
Throw double Fouette combination off lead leg and follow with any kick of rear leg.
Street Savate
Technique #1 - Response from Wrist grab
When grabbed by the wrist arm up and out, opening the line, and deliver fouette to groin or solar plexus followed by Chasse to the knee
Kali - Double Stick
Drill 1
High "X" left and right then high/ low/ high on both sides
- add footwork
Drill 2
Upward "X" 3 count/ low backhand/ high backhand - both sides
- add abanico 3 beat/ low backhand/ high backhand - both sides
Drill 3 - Pass and Hit
One partner feeds angles 1 - 5 while other partner passes (gunting) working from open or close position, and returns one backhand or forehand strike after each angle.
- make sure to work both left and right
Drill 4
As per drill 3 but add redondo following the forehand or backhand strke
Drill 5
As per drill 3 but return 3 strikes after backhand or forehand - retracting with a roof block
Stick and Knife
Drill 1- Pass and Hit
Hit as double stick drill 3 but add dagger thrust after every two stick angles. Zone to the outside of the dagger thrust, and strike 3 times with stick and dagger
- Dagger can be fed once or twice
Drill 2
Feeder attacks with 1/ 4/ 1 - counter with pass/ pass/ hit and dagger thrust/ slide dagger hand down arm to wrist and strip stick/ raise weapons to draw line thrust/ stop with stick and thrust with dagger to body/ grab attacker's daffer arm and use forearm disarm to remorve dagger/ follow with 3 variations of stick throw (1) neck (2) under arm(3) between legs
Drill 3 - Snake
Feeder attacks with #1 - counter deflection (sweep) and dagger thrust/ snake with dagger arm and hold high (to draw low thrust) / scoop with dagger and raise for double thrust (stick and knife)
Single Stick
Drill 1 - Strips off Angle 1
snake and strip
grab wrist/ turn/ and strip (forearm, triceps, stick or thrust)
Drill 2 - Takedown off angle 1
Hit/ stepthrough and hyperextend elbow/ roll to armbar and sweep leg back/ knee to shoulder/ stepthrough (behind foot)/ unbalance and sweep/ follow with kick to ankle
- can be done the same with empty hand vs stick
Monday, February 11, 2008
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