Sunday, March 4, 2007

Triplet Drills

A series of drills designed to improve footwork.

One person initiates, second feeds back and then intiator throws final shot. Step away and reverse feeding order. Footwork for all drills is to step and slide in with shot retreat with step and slide and then step in again if feeding. If receiving do opposite. Throw all punches to opponents chin. You are responsible for your own safety at all times.

1st drill
feed jab
receive into hand

2nd dril
feed cross
receive by stepping back turning shoulder and presenting arm as shield away from body.

3rd drill
feed pulling hook lightly so as not to hurt training partner
receive by putting forward salut that does not intercept shot and destroy feeders hand.

4th drill
feeder chooses which of above three will be thrown.
receiver adapts.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Sombrata Half Beats in the box

Using your "free" hand to monitor opponents stick hand add "half-beats" to change the order of the drill from feed, deflect, feed the order now becomes feed, deflect, monitor, defang, feed.

(1)Diagonal #1 strike
(1) Inside deflection-attack stick hand
(2) Horizontal slice-attack stick hand
(2) Drop stick-attack stick hand
(3) Senketi-attack stick hand
(3) Step out of way with High Wing-attack stick hand
(4) Vertical abiniko-attack stick hand
(4) Step to side with uppercut/roof-attack stick hand
(5) Diagonal #2 strike-attack stick hand
(5) Inside deflection-attack stick hand
(6) Diagonal #1 strike-attack stick hand
(6) Inside deflection-attack stick hand
(7) Horizontal slice-attack stick hand
(7) Drop stick-attack stick hand
(8) Senketi-attack stick hand
(8) Step out of way with High Wing-attack stick hand
(9) Verical abiniko-attack stick hand
(9) Step to side with uppercut/roof-attack stick hand
(10) Diagonal #2 strike-attack stick hand
(10) Inside deflection-attack stick hand

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Sinawali Drills

Arms are moving in a pattern of Slice, Slice, Watik or jab.
Think in terms of slice, slice, hack

Heaven = high, high, high, high, high, high
Standard= high, low, high, high, low, high
Reverse Standard= low, high, low, low, high, low
Earth= low, low, low, low, low, low

Feed Heaven take one complete step through so that hips have moved 180'
Do this again then take two steps back

Adding accents
hit with power by stepping on first strike
then do not initiate feet until second strike
and finally initiate feet on third strike, the watik or jab

Accents may be added on any footwork. Male triangle, female triangel, or Step through

Friday, February 9, 2007

Sombrata Drill

(1)Diagonal #1 strike
(1) Inside deflection
(2) Horizontal slice
(2) Drop stick
(3) Senketi
(3) Step out of way with High Wing
(4) Vertical abiniko
(4) Step to side with uppercut/roof
(5) Diagonal #2 strike
(5) Inside deflection
(6) Diagonal #1 strike
(6) Inside deflection
(7) Horizontal slice
(7) Drop stick
(8) Senketi
(8) Step out of way with High Wing
(9) Verical abiniko
(9) Step to side with uppercut/roof
(10) Diagonal #2 strike
(10) Inside deflection